
5 Key areas to look into when looking into Business Insurance

Professional Indemnity

This form of insurance is also called Professional liability insurance. This type of insurance protects professionals against his liability to third parties incurred whiled engaged in his or her profession. For example, a patient instituting a claim against a Medical Officer who negligently prescribed a wrong drug to him.

This insurance is highly needed for many businesses especially those in accounting, law, and medical fields. It provides coverage in case a patient or any third-party claims injury, harm, death or financial loss due to the insured medical practitioner’s service, consultation or advice and can also protect doctors from any libel or slander.

If you are a business that operates in any of the afore-mentioned industries, you need to get the Professional liability insurance so that when the worse happens, you can be protected.


All the above are the five key areas you need to consider when looking at taking out a business insurance. Your employees, products, vehicles and professional indemnity are key parts of your business. Making sure you have insurance coverage in all these key parts put you and your customers at an advantage. It also helps when it comes to the growth of your business. And having them gives you a high competitive advantage over other competitors in business with you. And most importantly, it gives you peace of mind!

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Written by seckloawu

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